Set in Lake Victoria days before spring break. A tremor opens a passage and lets loose its inhabitants. An endless swarm of angry 2 million year old Piranhas. Now its up to Ving Rhames, (Pulp Fiction) Elizabeth Shue, (Hamlet 2) Jerry O’Connell, (Kangaroo Jack) and Adam Scott (Step Brothers) to save the day, and the party.
Director Alexandre Aja (The Hills have Eyes) takes the fine line between campy stupid and campy funny and navigates it wonderfully. When I first saw trailers I hoped they would be able to pull off a “Grindhouse” style of campy funny movie and not a “Snakes on a Plane” campy stupid. Director Aja takes the absolutely stupid premise of angry piranhas vs. a bunch of drunk/horny college coeds and makes it awesome. There is plenty of everything you’d want in a film with Spring Break and College Coeds: more blood and silicone than water in the lake.
The film’s 3D is I feel, the perfect and ONLY excuse to use 3D. Mostly its just an excuse for people to be charged way more for a ticket than they should be. The wife and I went to an early bird matinee of this movie its was $16.00! What a scam! The quality of the movie is obviously not the issue with paying such a high price. I just feel an additional $5.00 is not worth the squinting and blurry headache you get afterward. Studios are just big businesses looking for any way to squeeze a dollar out of you. But if you can embrace the stupidness of the “Technology” and use it to further the shock factor of the picture, its fine. See the severed appendage and you’ll know what I mean.
So should you see this 3D blood filled extravaganza? Maybe. I feel like I could recommend this blood soaked Oscar front-runner to a handful of people. You know who you are. To everyone else: Use your best judgment, right out of the gate this movie lets you know what you’re in for, and never apologizes. That’s one of the great things about it.

Director Alexandre Aja (The Hills have Eyes) takes the fine line between campy stupid and campy funny and navigates it wonderfully. When I first saw trailers I hoped they would be able to pull off a “Grindhouse” style of campy funny movie and not a “Snakes on a Plane” campy stupid. Director Aja takes the absolutely stupid premise of angry piranhas vs. a bunch of drunk/horny college coeds and makes it awesome. There is plenty of everything you’d want in a film with Spring Break and College Coeds: more blood and silicone than water in the lake.
The film’s 3D is I feel, the perfect and ONLY excuse to use 3D. Mostly its just an excuse for people to be charged way more for a ticket than they should be. The wife and I went to an early bird matinee of this movie its was $16.00! What a scam! The quality of the movie is obviously not the issue with paying such a high price. I just feel an additional $5.00 is not worth the squinting and blurry headache you get afterward. Studios are just big businesses looking for any way to squeeze a dollar out of you. But if you can embrace the stupidness of the “Technology” and use it to further the shock factor of the picture, its fine. See the severed appendage and you’ll know what I mean.
So should you see this 3D blood filled extravaganza? Maybe. I feel like I could recommend this blood soaked Oscar front-runner to a handful of people. You know who you are. To everyone else: Use your best judgment, right out of the gate this movie lets you know what you’re in for, and never apologizes. That’s one of the great things about it.