Made of Honor

Made of crap

There’s only one thing I hate in movie trailers: ones that give away the entire movie. And there’s only one thing I hate more than that, and that’s a movie that looks identical to another (a la Armageddon and Deep Impact). Made of Honor does both of those things.

Going into Made of Honor, I knew that I was about to see a typical romantic comedy, or rom-com as I like to call them. The trailer made it look like I was going to see a guy’s perspective version of My Best Friend’s Wedding: a guy’s friend gets engaged, he realizes he loves her and tries to sabotage the wedding.

While, in many ways, Made of Honor is another take on My Best Friend’s Wedding, there are a lot of differences. And while both of them suck, Made of Honor sucks more.

Made of Honor is about a man-whore who has only one woman in his life that he’s not trying to get into bed. He has rules about how many times he can sleep with the same woman in one week, and many other rules along those lines. Despite the title’s play on words, there’s no honor in this guy at all.

One day, while battling out the pros of being single with a few married friends, he finally and conveniently comes to terms with the idea that one day he might want to settle down with the only good girl he knows. And, of course, the day he decides to confess his undying love for her, she breaks the news that she’s engaged to a dreamy guy she barely met and that she wants him to be her maid of honor (it would’ve been a nice play on words had he actually been an honorable character).

Though PG-13, Made of Honor is very vulgar. Be warned. Most people who do not watch R-rated movies will not want to watch it.

Photo Credit: Sony Pictures

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